Sid Roth Interview Session With Patti Perior

Sid:I have a woman on the telephone that has spent 9½ years working with the Kathryn Kuhlman ministry. And I’m reminded when those of you that are familiar with Kathryn Kuhlman’s ministry she used to come on television or on radio and she used to say something to the affect “Have you been waiting for me?” Well I’ve been waiting for this interview with Patti Perior. Patti is on the telephone I’m speaking to her at her home in Porter Ranch, California that’s sort of a suburb of Los Angeles. And it seems as though many servants of God before they have a chance to even walk into their call there’s an attack on their life. It’s not always but I see this happening over and over again. And Patti when you were just a baby you had a hole in your heart and you were only going to live for 18 months but when you went into convulsions and you were dying what did your mother do?

Patti: My mother called a doctor we were living out in the country at the time and the doctor said “I’m sorry there’s nothing we can do for her.” This is before they were doing heart surgery for a hole in the heart. And he said “I told you Mrs. Lincoln you can only have your daughter for 18 months. So she hung up and being a nurse herself but she began to work with my throat I so stiffened I couldn’t even swallow. She began to massage my neck and I went into a deeper convulsion and she called the doctor again and the nurse said …oh she said “Oh the doctor said if you call again to give the morticians phone number I have it right here.” So my mother hung up and being a woman who’s so had prayed for a baby daughter she began to walk to town. She wrapped me up she was going to walk to the hospital. When she went over a little bridge I went into another convulsion so she went under the bridge unwrapped me and put me in the water and dedicated my life to Jesus wrapped me up and took me home again. I began to get better but as time went on I couldn’t run and play like other children I would just pass out. But when I was 9 years old my heart’s desire was I wanted to be a ballerina Sid. So my mother had bought me a pair of ballerina slippers just to sit around the house and play in. But I pick up the paper one day and I read where they were giving they were going to have a dance for crippled children and they were looking for tap dancers and ballerinas and modern dancers. So I snuck out of the house and I went down and I tried out for the part. I put my shoes in a little brown sack and I got the part. So I snuck back in the house the interview was very close to the house as a matter of fact. And I told my mother about it and she was very upset she said “I’ll take you to your doctors.” I had 3 doctors, 2 heart specialists and a pediatrician they all 3 said “It’s impossible her heart is so bad and she also…” I had come to a place of a lung disease and a blood disease all terminal.

Sid: So all…each one of the time was terminal of all 3 together?

Patti: They each one were terminal and this is why I had to be at that time partially in isolation because any extra germs would just take me. So the last heart specialist said “She needs to go right into the hospital in isolation” and he said “Don’t ever expect her to come out.” But my mother said “I’m a nurse and I can take better care of her at home please but let her do this one thing let her go and do this dance.” So he said “Alright but that will be last time her feet touch the floor you will carry her down after the performance and put her in isolation.” So Sid my father had a full length raccoon coat and I did my little short dance at the Roxsy Theater and I went off in the sides my hus…my father scooped me up in this coat wrapped me up and took me home and I was put in isolation. I began to get worse and my Sunday School Class every Sunday would come and put a rose outside my door and the room that was prepared for me was on off a porch had to be window. People would come to the window and look through the window at me and they would dedicate songs on the radio to the little girl that was dying primary with this heart condition. But after being in bed for one year I was getting worse and worse and my skin was grey, I was 20 pounds underweight at the age of 9 and I could hardly lift my head off the pillow at this point. My mother came in 5 times a day and would give me just little bites it was just feeding a little bird a little bit at a time. But one night Jesus Christ appeared at the end of my bed.

Sid: Were you praying for Him to come?

Patti: No it’s like the whole town it was praying for this little girl that was dying. And I could feel the presence of God in the room and I always believed in Jesus. I mean I didn’t know much of the Bible because of my life so much in isolation. But Jesus Christ appeared to me and said “In the morning tell your mother you’re going to be alright.”

Sid: Now this was a number of years ago but what did He look like?

Patti: I almost cry to say that He was dazzling and the look of love that permeated from Him, the confidence that I felt when He spoke I knew whatever He said that is fact that’s it whatever He’s saying that’s the way that it will be. It gave me such love and security. The next morning…

Sid: Did you believe before you actually got out of bed you would be healed based on what had occurred?

Patti:Yes I believed what He said is so just as a fact that I’ll be changed. The next morning my mother came in and I was sitting on the edge of my bed kicking my feet before I couldn’t sit up. My cheeks were pink I was no longer grey and I said “Mommy Jesus came to me last night and He told me to tell you I’m going to alright.” And strength began to come through into my body and of course if you hadn’t walked for a year you’re a little wobbly but just as we used to check people out at the Kathryn Kuhlman Ministry before we take them on stage we would have them walk. And as they would walk it seemed like even more of the vibrancy of the Holy Spirit would enter in more fully and flow through them and the energy would just increase and increase. And when they were at a certain peak we knew this is it there just completely there is no shadow of a doubt that this one is healed and we would check them out in every way. And that’s what happened to me my mother she was a woman that I prayed for but so often we feel they’ll gradually get better, they’ll gradually get better and God by His mercy will perform this. But I was instantly…

Sid: I like miracles healings are good but miracles are better there instant healings.

Patti: Yes

Sid: Patti we’re out of time today and Mishpochah we’re going to find out that she’s a real sensitivity to the Holy Spirit walks in the prophetic in the miracle ministry. And she said on next to the Bible a book that was very influential in her life is one called “The Wigglesworth Standard.” This author supernaturally found old manuscripts that had never been published by Smith Wigglesworth in California. He came to a house in California an old house and he went into the cupboard in the front room and found what he’d been looking for and praying for 37 messages from God’s apostle of faith Smith Wigglesworth.& Now Smith Wigglesworth prayed for at least 14 people that were dead that have come back to life and the author goes on to say this book is written around these unpublished sermons. The lessons that the Holy Spirit taught me through the revelation give to Smith Wigglesworth starting those many years ago at Bible College are lessons that He, meaning God, wants to bring to many believers today. This book is for those that want more of God who want to part of God’s end time army and are prepared to become flames of fire. My prayer is that some of the fire, some of the hunger, some of the revelation, some of the anointing and power on this man’s life may become yours. Patti how inspirational was this book to you “The Wigglesworth Standard?”

Patti: It caused me to desire more and more and more of Him. I wanted every crumb, every crumb to be manifested because I believed that this man Jesus performed through this man what He wants to be performed through His body.

This is the conversation of Sid Roth and Patti Perior from the show It’s Supernatural. To read full conversation CLICK HERE.


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