Sid Roth Interview Session with Todd Smith

SID: You know, Todd, the last guest is a legitimate sign and a wonder. This oil is a sign that makes you wonder, but what’s going on in your congregation is even more outrageous. I mean, you’re a nice Baptist preacher, minding your own business, but you got hungry for God. Were you praying to be hungry or it just happened? How’d that happen?

TODD: Well, back in the day, I was so thirsty for God I said, “Lord, I’ll do whatever you need me to do, whatever you want me to do,” and started investigating the fullness of the power of God, the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and one key element that I had to do was to read my Bible without my denominational glasses on. I took my denominational glasses off and started reading the Bible as if I was saved for the very first time, and started seeing things in the Scriptures that I had never, ever encountered before even though I had read over them dozens, if not hundreds, of times. The Spirit of God began to convince me that the baptism with the Holy Spirit was legitimate and available for all believers today.

SID: A local pastor heard about your hunger. You went to a meeting. You encountered the Spirit of Glory of God, but you got even more than what you were looking for.

TODD: Yeah, I went to that Pentecostal prayer meeting, and the last place that a Baptist pastor should be is in a Pentecostal prayer meeting. I mean, I’m telling you, I had no business being there. One of the gentlemen took his index finger and placed it on my forehead and said, “Be filled with the Holy Spirit.” At that very moment, everything that I had ever preached against, stood against, mocked, and ridiculed, and made fun of, happened to me at that very instant.

SID: But then you had to make a choice. You understood this book without the spiritual lenses of religion, but your congregation didn’t.

TODD: Nope.

SID: What happened?

TODD: Well, my wife and I, we tried to tell as many people as we could. I’ll never forget. One of our services, we had 75 Southern Baptists get baptized with the Holy Ghost at one of our altar services. Momentum was building for us and momentum was building against us. We lasted 10 months and we got the left foot of fellowship, if you will. We started a new congregation and this is where we eventually have encountered the presence and power of God in an unprecedented way at the Christ Fellowship Church in Dawsonville, Georgia.

SID: Tell me about something you had no foundation for. You didn’t think God did anymore, of this vision you had.

TODD: I’m on my platform and I’m walking toward our baptistry. Our baptistry is about 2500 to 3000 gallons. It’s a large baptistry. I’m walking toward it for no reason in particular. I’m just praying. I look at my baptistry and for the first time in my life, I had an open vision. I saw the baptistry, in the natural it’s empty, but in the Spirit it is completely full of water and I saw fire on top of the water. The fire was about two and a half to three feet wide from the front to the very back. Now, this happened in about eight to 10 seconds. As soon as it was over, the Lord spoke to my heart and He said, “Todd, I’m going to baptize people in Holy Spirit fire.”

SID: Tell me about, I think her name was Lorraine.

TODD: She was diagnosed with cancer in June and had a PET scan on June the 27th that showed over 50 cancerous lesions in her body.

SID: I didn’t know this, but the bigger black [areas] are organs, the smaller are the tumors.

TODD: Right. There are 50 small lesions, cancerous lesions, throughout her body in her bones. She heard what God was doing at Christ Fellowship, Dawsonville, Georgia, and said, “I’m going to drive up there.” She came and she waited in line. I don’t know how many hours she waited to be baptized, but she came into the baptismal waters and the fire of God touched her, and the very next day she goes to get an additional PET scan and there it is on the screen, I believe it is, that all 50 cancerous lesions have been healed in Jesus’ name.

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SID: Now, that is a documentation, would you agree?

TODD: Right here, two and a half to three inches thick of miracles that have happened in the last year at Christ Fellowship there in Dawsonville. These are not only miracles, but life-change. People that have been addicted to narcotics, to drugs, to meth, to nicotine for decades.

SID: When I was at your church, I saw someone say that their marriage was healed by being baptized. Now, have you seen that?

TODD: Well, what happens is they enter that water, Sid, and the fire of God is there. When their foot hits the water, it’s like a truth serum because you can’t play with God. This is holy. This is not a genie in a bottle. This is not some gimmick that we’re just going to try and see if anything works. When God spoke to my heart and said there’s fire, He says, “I’m going to baptize people with Holy Spirit fire,” He meant business. What we have done in the church for too long is play church. We’ve coddled church. We’ve made church about comfort and sugar, so to speak. You know what I’m saying? We’ve made it about a consumer mindset. The Lord spoke to me, Sid, and I asked Him, “God, why are you using baptism? Why are you baptizing people with Holy Spirit fire in this water and healing people instantly and delivering people instantly that have been under our preaching for decades?” He spoke to my heart very clearly and He said, “Todd, I am coming with vengeance after my bride. I’m coming with vengeance after my bride.”

SID: You have a choice. You’re one of two types of people. You’re not Baptist or Pentecostal, you either have experiential knowledge with God or you don’t. You just have church experience. The truth is there’s no other name given unto men in which we must be saved. All you need to do—with me, as a 30-year-old Jew, that death looked better than life and I didn’t want to die but life was too hard, I reached up and I said, “I give up.” That was what I did. “Jesus, help.” I have to tell you, the glory of God came into my bedroom and that glory—from a sincere heart, say, “Jesus, I’m a sinner. I believe that you died in my place. Come inside of me. Take over my life. I make you Lord.” If you’re already a believer with experiential knowledge, start reading this book without the lenses, without the religious glasses. Take them off. This book does a good job by itself.

SID: Now, an angel woke up my next guest with revelation about the next great move of God’s Spirit, and my guest says the glory shows up now wherever he goes. Be right back.

This is the conversation of Sid Roth and Todd Smith from the show It’s Supernatural.


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