Sid Roth Interview Session with Paul McGuire
SID: Hello everyone this is Sid Roth , So last night Paul and I were having dinner and the subject was brought up that I've taught on speaking in supernatural languages, in tongues and I started saying I pray in tongues one hour a day. And Paul said, 'You really do it an hour a day.' And I said, 'Yes, and let me tell you why. The stuff you're teaching I don't know how anyone can survive if they're not. Because when you're praying in tongues you're praying perfect prayers with perfect faith with perfect understanding of the future because it's coming from the Spirit of God.' So let's suppose, for example, last night after dinner I am driving home and I get a call from my wife. My wife is in her car right behind me. She said, 'Do you know your headlights are not on?' And I said, 'No I didn't know my headlights were not on because everything is lit up like it is.' Well someone had accidentally taken it off of automati...