Sid Roth Interview Session with Sandra Kennedy

Sid : My guest by way of telephone is Sandra Kennedy I’m speaking to her at her headquarters in Augusta, Georgia the Whole Life Ministries And I think it’s wonderful when someone at a young age knows their destiny before God. Sandra as a child God spoke to you of about your destiny tell me about that.

Sandra: Yeah I was about 6 years old Sid I heard a voice it sounded to me like an audible voice it said “One day I’m going to use you in healing.” And of course you have heard me say in times gone by that I’ll even pray over the animals on the farm right there in Georgia a very small farm. I’d pray over the animals and always believed in healing even though I’d never really heard any teaching on healing but I just believe in my heart you know that healing belonged to us today and that God was still in the healing business.

Sid : Out of curiosity Sandra after all of the years have you kept your childlike faith?

Sandra: Yes I have thank God.

Sid: That’s the key isn’t it?

Sandra: That’s the key.

Sid : Now when you were on an airplane and your mother was dying from cancer and again God spoke to you what did he say?

Sandra: Well I wasn’t Spirit-filled but as a Southern Baptist girl working for a Southern Baptist Convention flying home and had gotten a call that she wouldn’t make it through the weekend and she was sent home to die and was in a coma. And of course it was years ago and people did that I heard what sounded to me like an audible voice.

Sid: Now exactly what was wrong with your mom?

Sandra: She had cancer.

Sid : Do you know what kind?

Sandra: I don’t remember what kind I just know that she had been at the Medical College of Georgia and they had sent her home at the last stages of cancer.  And this was again almost 30 years ago.

Sid: Okay.

Sandra: And had sent her home to die and she was in a semi-type coma and when I when I arrived home as a matter of fact she didn’t know I was there. But any way on the plane I heard this voice say “Tell your mother the Lord’s Prayer.” And this is part of the Lord’s prayer I heard quoted “Our Father which aren’t in heaven hallowed it be Thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; and tell her there is no sickness in heaven.” I heard that 3 times, Sid Roth and it so shocked me I didn’t really know how to handle it but I had led my sister my oldest sister to the Lord 3 months prior to this. And I said to the Lord “Tell somebody else about this too.” Because I knew in the scripture that it said “Out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses a thing is established so I said “Tell somebody else And so when I got home I arrived on a Friday they said that she would not live through the weekend and my sister immediately called me and said that she had had a dream and she said in the dream the Lord had said “Tell your mother the Lord’s prayer ‘Our Father who aren’t in heaven hallow it be Thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’” There is no sickness in heaven from that we were just 2 girls that didn’t know much except our mother was dying and we believed from God. And we continued to praise His name and we just went and sat by her bed and literally said nothing but the Lord’s prayer over and over quoted what we had heard.

Sid: How long did you do that?

Sandra: We did it for about 5 hours.

Sid: That’s a long time!

Sandra: Well she was in a coma and it was for at least an hour or 2 it appeared that she heard nothing but we kept doing it. I’d do it for a while and my sister would do it for a while we just kept doing it, we kept doing it, we kept doing it. And then slowly but surely she would bat her eyes around and make some movement and as a result of this she popped out of that semi-coma type state. Then we just kept saying we didn’t have anything else to say we just did all we knew to do. And of course now I know much better I understand now the Bible teaches in Proverbs 4:20 to 4:22 “Incline your ear unto His sayings they are life unto those that found them and health like medicine to all of their flesh.” And so the word is power the word has enough power in itself to bring forth what it proclaims. And so I didn’t know all of that then I just knew that I kept saying, kept saying just saying and finally she became totally alert and then we went and did something that I had never seen done I’d read in the Bible. I had marked my Bible totally was in blue with everything pertaining to healing. And Sid if you were to do that you’d be amazed how many blue marks you’d have in your Bible.

Sid : It’s amazing to you know someone made this statement to me once they said “If you had never heard man’s doctrine on healing and on miracles and you just read the New Testament and if for the first time in your life and someone walked up to you and said “Healing wasn’t for today” you’d think they were nuts.

Sandra: Absolutely.

This is the conversation of Sid Roth with his Guest Sandra Kennedy To read full Story visit our site.


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