Sid Roth Interview Session with Paul McGuire
SID: Hello everyone this is Sid Roth , So
last night Paul and I were having dinner and the subject was brought up that
I've taught on speaking in supernatural languages, in tongues and I started
saying I pray in tongues one hour a day. And Paul said, 'You really do it an
hour a day.' And I said, 'Yes, and let me tell you why. The stuff you're
teaching I don't know how anyone can survive if they're not. Because when
you're praying in tongues you're praying perfect prayers with perfect faith
with perfect understanding of the future because it's coming from the Spirit of
God.' So let's suppose, for example, last night after dinner I am driving home
and I get a call from my wife. My wife is in her car right behind me. She said,
'Do you know your headlights are not on?' And I said, 'No I didn't know my
headlights were not on because everything is lit up like it is.' Well someone
had accidentally taken it off of automatic. My wife yesterday morning was not
going to come to dinner yesterday and yesterday morning she said to me, 'I'm
coming to dinner tonight.' I said, 'Wonderful!' I believe when I prayed in
tongues that morning the Holy Spirit put it on her heart to come to dinner to
drive behind my car to tell me that my lights were not on and save my life!
mother didn't raise a dummy, I'm praying in tongues one hour a day. So because
I said that, [turning to Paul] what did you do last night, you prayed in
tongues the next morning, you prayed in tongues for an hour. What happened with
PAUL: Well,
the Lord spoke to me through your sharing that you disciplined yourself to
speak in tongues for an hour, and I've spoken in tongues and have all my life
but I never disciplined myself to do it for an hour. So I was like groggy on
west coast time, and I made a commitment I was going to pray in tongues for an
hour, especially when you have to minister up here, and I was feeling about as
spiritual as-a dirty carpet.
I'm praying in tongues. First 20 minutes I don't feel anything, and I'm just
being obedient. After about 20 minutes that fog lifts, and all of a sudden the
anointing comes upon me. Many of the things that I shared came from pictures
and visions the Lord gave me. But what released it was the speaking in tongues.
But I didn't do it because I felt like it. I did it obediently but 20 minutes
into it the glory of God showed up.
SID: And
when the glory showed up God showed him things for the future. [Turning to
Paul] What did he show you?
PAUL: Well
what happened was I began [laughs], I'm laughing because I began to see
pictures and visions. And I don't use those words carelessly. But I saw this
studio, I saw Sid, and I specifically saw the same golden light that I was
describing in the vision that I had, I saw that golden light over Sid, over the
studio, over me but over the other guests, and that golden light was being
transmitted and it was pouring through the set into television sets all around
the world. And it was a very clear thing, and that's why I prayed in the nature
that I did. And then the Lord showed me even more. He showed me many people are
hungry for God, but they're so biased against Christianity, but if they hear
about a supernatural force they'll listen. And then the Lord began to show me
specifically that powerful leaders, powerful political leaders in the United
States, other kinds of leaders, and specifically Russian leaders-
the way we're on 5 days a week in the entire Soviet Union in Russian.
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