
Sid Roth Interview Session with Todd Smith

SID: You know, Todd, the last guest is a legitimate sign and a wonder. This oil is a sign that makes you wonder, but what’s going on in your congregation is even more outrageous. I mean, you’re a nice Baptist preacher, minding your own business, but you got hungry for God. Were you praying to be hungry or it just happened? How’d that happen? TODD: Well, back in the day, I was so thirsty for God I said, “Lord, I’ll do whatever you need me to do, whatever you want me to do,” and started investigating the fullness of the power of God, the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and one key element that I had to do was to read my Bible without my denominational glasses on. I took my denominational glasses off and started reading the Bible as if I was saved for the very first time, and started seeing things in the Scriptures that I had never, ever encountered before even though I had read over them dozens, if not hundreds, of times. The Spirit of God began to convince me that the baptism with ...

Sid Roth Interview Session with Paul McGuire

SID: Hello everyone this is Sid Roth ,  So last night Paul and I were having dinner and the subject was brought up that I've taught on speaking in supernatural languages, in tongues and I started saying I pray in tongues one hour a day. And Paul said, 'You really do it an hour a day.' And I said, 'Yes, and let me tell you why. The stuff you're teaching I don't know how anyone can survive if they're not. Because when you're praying in tongues you're praying perfect prayers with perfect faith with perfect understanding of the future because it's coming from the Spirit of God.' So let's suppose, for example, last night after dinner I am driving home and I get a call from my wife. My wife is in her car right behind me. She said, 'Do you know your headlights are not on?' And I said, 'No I didn't know my headlights were not on because everything is lit up like it is.' Well someone had accidentally taken it off of automati...

Sid Roth Interview Session with Sandra Kennedy

Sid : My guest by way of telephone is Sandra Kennedy I’m speaking to her at her headquarters in Augusta, Georgia the Whole Life Ministries And I think it’s wonderful when someone at a young age knows their destiny before God. Sandra as a child God spoke to you of about your destiny tell me about that. Sandra: Yeah I was about 6 years old Sid I heard a voice it sounded to me like an audible voice it said “One day I’m going to use you in healing.” And of course you have heard me say in times gone by that I’ll even pray over the animals on the farm right there in Georgia a very small farm. I’d pray over the animals and always believed in healing even though I’d never really heard any teaching on healing but I just believe in my heart you know that healing belonged to us today and that God was still in the healing business. Sid : Out of curiosity Sandra after all of the years have you kept your childlike faith? Sandra: Yes I have thank God. Sid: That’s the key isn’t it? ...

Sid Roth Interview Session With his guest Laurie

Sid: You’re at a conference in prayer and 2008 at IHOP. You’re in a prayer there and suddenly did you … When did you realize you were in hell? Tell me what happened. Laurie: We were in evangelism meeting. I was worshiping in the back with my eyes closed. And then as soon as the heat came in the room, I watched, I opened my eyes. I knew something was happening. I opened my eyes, the front of the room opened like this, Sid Roth , and hell was right there. And an arm without fingers came flying out of hell, and it grabbed ahold of my spirit and it sucked me in. Those held doors are thick, and they’re heavy, and when they slam shut, I knew exactly where I was immediately. Three things were spoken over me. You are in hell eternally for unforgiveness. The worst regret you can ever imagine was right then, because there’s no way out. I knew that, there was no way out of hell. Sid: Tell our audience what you observed. Laurie: First, I want to say there’s no way that I w...

Something more with Jack Sheffield

ROY: Hey it’s Roy Fields and you’re watching Something More! And my guest today is Jack Sheffield! He has a tremendous healing ministry and we wanna get to know him just a little bit more! That’s what this show is all about! It’s called Something More because there are some things that Sid doesn’t have the time to really cover with his guests. So it’s great to meet you, Jack! JACK: You too! ROY: I wanna get right into it! JACK: Let’s go! ROY: I wanna talk about - when did you come to Christ? Because you know, every minister and ministry that comes through here, and guests we know, that they’re in ministry. But I wanna find out the back story! JACK: Sure! ROY: How did you come to Christ and what were you like before that? JACK: Well before that I was rebellious. When John Kennedy got killed - ROY: Oh wow! Okay. JACK: In ‘63 and then his brother got killed, Bobby, in ‘68 our generation became very angry, very disillusioned, very rebellious and that h...